The British Occupation of Palestine was a period of direct and indirect occupation of Palestine by Britain between 1917 and 1948. Under the terms of the August 1922 Palestine Order in Council, the nation's territory was divided into administrative regions known as districts and were administered by the office of the British High Commissioner for Palestine.
History of the Occupation[]
Occupied Enemy Territory Administration[]
Main Article; Occupied Enemy Territory Administration in Palestine
Britisih occupation of the region historically known as Palestine began as the occupation of Ottoman Territory in had captured during the First World War. The British established the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration in 1917, a year before the official end of World War 1 in 1918. This administration divided the region by geographical rather than cultural lines and dissolved Ottoman administrative divisions. The Ottoman administration in the region of Palestine consisted of the Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate, Syria Vilayet, Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, Beirut Vilayet, Aleppo Vilayet, and Adana Vilayet. All six of these where dissolved and under the OETA the region was administrated as the South, East, North West, and North (Ciciia) under direct military rule. Direct military rule ended in November of 1919. [1]
Mandate Status[]
Main Article; Palestine (1920-1948)
In 1920 Palestine was given the legal status of a League of Nations Mandate under British sponsorship. In 1922 the Palestine Council in Order was established as part of the Mandate's mission in creating an independent state out of former Ottoman territory. [1]
Termination of the Mandate[]
Governance during the Occupation[]
Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (1917 - 1920)[]
The British occupation of Palestine governed through direct military rule from 1917 until 1919. After this period the British governed indirectly though holding the power to veto decisions of Palestine's governing council.
League of Nations Mandate (1920-1948)[]
British Sponsorship and Role in Governance of the Mandate[]
(Explaining the British role in the Mandate as it's sponsor)
Palestine Order in Council (Established 1922)[]
(You can help this wiki by expanding this article, this section is about the governing council that was established as part of the Mandate's mission to establish a free nation out of Ottoman territory the British had occupied at the end of the Great War - World War 1)