The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is the largest communist party in the United States. It is Marxist-Leninist, and founded in 1919, as part of the US Labor Movement. The Communist party opposed Racial Segregation, the Veitnam Conflict, and some soviet politics, which caused the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to cut the organizations funding. The party is based out of New York city, and is undergoing a split as a Democratic Socialist Minority has arose in the ranks of the party.
The CPUSA has been banned from holding federal office since 1954, when the Communist Control Act of 1954 was signed into law. The Act also criminalizes members of the party, however, failure to enforce this act has allowed the party to continue on into current times. In 1973, the Supreme Court determined in Communist Party vs Catherwood that the Communist Control Act of 1954 does not prevent the party from being involved in state politics, or from addressing, and promoting solutions to state issues.