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West end games star wars korkeal hai tramp freighter captain 1994 Tramp Frieghters pg 85

Korkeal Hai is a fictional character in the West End Games's d6 Star Wars table top roleplaying game. Korkeal Hai is a Human tramp freighter captain with a passion for old tech, so much so that rather than treat her failing eye sight with medication she's opted to use archaic plaspec glasses to correct her vision. [1] Korkeal spent her formative years in the Shesharile system getting an old CorrelliSpace Gymsnor-3 Freighter [2] into working condition with spare parts. Unable to handle the more technical points of her project she spent a huge chunk of her earnings to import an old high-grade computer, a relic from the Clone Wars. [1] The computer assisted Korkeal Hai by offering advice regarding the construction of the ship and with its aid she completing the Riff-Raff; the name she chose for the vessel. Even installing the computer into her ship. [1] She's described as a hyper-kenetic who never tires of trying new part combinations or going through the piles of machinery in her ship. [1] It is also noted that the Riff-Raff is a small ship, of starfighter size at 34.1 meters in length. It would have room for 75 metric tons of cargo but 10 metric tons are being used by Korkeal Hai for her collection of junk, scrap metal, and pieces of mechanical debris. [2] Her computer constantly nags her about the ship's disarray. [1]

Source Citations[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1994 West End Games Star Wars Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters pg. 85
  2. 2.0 2.1 1994 West End Games Star Wars Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters pg. 86