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Malafure is an Ancient Red Dragon character introduced in the Dungeons and Dragons Dragonlance adventure module series. Specifically the Dragonlance Adventure Module: Dragons of Flame.

Dragonlance Adventure Module: Dragons of Flame[]

“You must try to pass the dragon quietly, as she sleeps very deeply. I don’t think she would normally harm the children-in fact, she seems very fond of them-but do not attack her, even if she should awaken. She is half mad, and there’s no telling what she might do if aroused.” - Marrita on the topic of Flamestrike

Physical Discription[]

Flamestrike looks every bit: as awesome as is usual for her kind (Dragonkind), but a close look reveals that this dragon suffers some of the ill effects of age. Many of her teeth are blunted or broken (accounting for her lessened bite damage), while one of her eyes is cloudy and apparently blind. Long scars mark her weathered flanks, and she looks unusually slender, perhaps even scrawny.


Flamestrike (who inhabits the Nursemaid's Chamber) lost her brood of young to an unknown enemy years ago, and this tragedy deeply scarred her personality. She was a very careful guardian of the children, and would never harm one of them under any circumstance. She dealt harshly with those she believes threaten “her” children. The only visitors she allows are the 10 women who, once a day, arrive to feed and care for the youngsters. This chamber was connected to the Children's Playroom. The playroom has toys befitting of Human children; wooden toys and sewn dolls. Windows let in fresh air from outside while a tunnel leads to the Nursemaid's Chamber which is also the only way out of the nursery section of the stronghold. The Children's Room is accessed from here through a barred door. With in are 180 children ranging from infants to those who are 12 years of age. The children had endured hardship but the older ones shined with courage and resolve and the not even a baby was crying when the Heroes of Dragonlance (the Playercharacters) entered the room. The heroes began filing the children in single file towards the exit- sneaking past Flamestrike but the ancient dragon awoke. She slowly raised her head and muttered softly: “Maritta, you take all of my children together... is it not easier with a few at a time?” blinking her good eye her vision cleared, and sniffing the air while slowly looking around she suddenly sprung to her feet; "You cannot steal my children!" She did not use her breath weapon- afraid of hurting any of the children she focused tooth and claw upon the Heroes of Dragonlance who eventually made it out with the children through the door in the chamber- a door too small for Flamestrike to follow through.With the door closed she battered against it as the men, woman, and children - all 800 of them began to make their escape while an alarm sounded. Suddenly, with a splintering crash, the double doors holding Flamestrike flew outward. The great beast slithers out of the tower toward the crowd of prisoners. “My children! You shall not have my children!” Her voice is shrill and strained. “Leave me my children!” she demands, lumbering down the gradual slope towards the escapees. As she did so another great crimson shape appears, flying. Bellowing a challenge, a second huge red dragon landed on the mighty Tharkadan wall. On its back was the imposing figure of the Dragonlord Verminaard, still concealed by the fearsome mask. His voice boomed through the valley. “This is the final insult! I have tolerated your impudence far too long.. .slaves are cheap and plentiful. Now you pay for your foolish daring!” As the people screamed and turn to flee down the valley, his evil voice picked up more power: “Now, I destroy you! I destroy your wives! I destroy your children!” As Ember, another red dragon, leaped from the wall, Flamestrike paused in her advance down the slope. Confusion shook her as she looked from the children to the great engine of death above her. Suddenly, her dim eyes took on clear focus as she made a decision. Curling her long neck upwards, Flamestrike sent forth a horrifying spout of fire, straight at the flying dragon and the Dragonlord. With a scream, Verminaard was engulfed in the glowing cloud, and his dragon-steed bellowed in pain. Quickly, the two dragons locked in a fearsome melee, thrashing their mighty bodies across the valley and bringing boulders tumbling from the mountainsides. Verminard barely survived though Flamestrike's fate is unstated.

Moral Alignment[]

Flamestrike is listed as being Chaotic Evil in the module though nothing stated about her, nor her own actions, seems to support such an alignment. In Dungeons and Dragons the alignment is used as a guideline regarding a character's actions; while those of a 'half-mad' person can be considered chaotic the protectiveness, and inability to bring her self to harm any of the children doesn't support the evil alignment.Though it can be argued that she is keeping them for a selfish reason- one at the core of her madness- to make up for the tragedy that befell her own children. To be a good mother, and show them perhaps an affection she regrets having not shown her own children when they lived. One can speculate that she's more interested in her own feelings rather then that of the children. One can even go so far as to say the her sacrifice for them was a final personal redemption for having failed to save her actual children long ago. Her scrawny figure could be an indication of self neglect prior, a diminished feeling of self worth.

Dragonlance: Dragon's of Autumn Twilight feature film[]

Malafure dragonlance cgi animation dragons of autumn twilight feature film side profile

In this animated production which draws from several of the adventure modules Malafure is still shown to care for the children though her motive is given clearly as her being insane; believing the children to be her children whose "wings have yet to grow". In this iteration of her Malafure is unable to tell that the heroes (who have disguised themselves as the woman who tend to the children) are not who they say they are, and thus Malafure doesn't raise an alarm with the party and children leaving peacefully. She was told by them that Verminard wanted to show them the sun. Latter, when a hole forms in the ground releasing her from the chamber the party's cleric - Goldmoon - calls out to the dragoness telling her that Verminard is killing Malafure's children. Indeed, Verminard was attacking the escapees- and had burned several to a crisp- she flew upon Verminard feeling betrayed and the two would continue to fight while the slaves escaped- with the two last being seen colliding into a great mountain- presumably to the death of both. [2]

Source Citation[]

  1. Dragonlance Adventure Module: Dragons of Flame
  2. Dragonlance: Dragon's of Autumn Twilight - A Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Tale