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Blazing dragons princess flame

Princess Flame is one of the primary characters in the Canadian animated comedy series, Blazing Dragons. The series which creates comedy out of role reversal undermining common fantasy tropes places Princess Flame as a subversion of a typical trope; that of the incapable damsel in distress. Princess Flame is a very capable princess and being a dragon also very able to defend herself. Her being a dragon coincides with other primary characters, such as the Knights of the Square Table and the rest of the royal family being Dragons as well. The reversal in the series being that the Dragons are beset by evil Humans who make such plans as abducting the queen or other measures in an attempt to gain the throne of Camelhot by illicit means or brute force.


Princess Flame hardly feels trapped by what ever physical situation she ends up in, as her mind and abilities can get her out of those. What she does feel trapped in is being a Princess. Specifically, having to live by the rules of a medieval princess. She has due to this a disdain for the Code of the Knights of the Square Table- not only is Sir Loungalot an example of the code not being employed by those who swear by it but it also limits what Squire Flicker is willing to do. Since Squire Flicker serves Sir Loungalot she sees him as trapped by the social obligations of the society they live in. She leans egalitarian despite her royal station which to her is more of prison than any physical cell would be. She is not foolish enough to disregard the rules in public nor speak against them out of private company. But she is bold enough to bend the rules as far as she can- taking a number of social risks when it comes to her stepmother.



  • King Alfire - She loves her father, and doesn't like how controlled he is by her stepmother. He calls her Puff in private, a name that reminds her of happier times.
  • Queen Griddle - Her stepmother is someone she has a cold to warm back and forth relationship with. Griddle isn't evil but also not very loving and seems to use the station of Queen for leisure more than anything else. But somehow Griddle makes her father happy, and it's because of this that she will protect her. Having gone so far as to join in a quest to save her while the majority of the Knights of the Square Table where away.
  • Sir Blaze - Her stepbrother is someone she has a better relationship with compared to Queen Griddle. They are not very close as her father doesn't like Sir Blaze very much and Sir Blaze likes Griddle more than she does as Griddle is his actual mother. The main challenge with the two getting along is this parental dynamic. The first time they are shown acting as siblings is taking part in the party to celebrate the anniversary of Griddle's marriage to King Alfire. He laughed when she made known to her father a desire she has to become a knight, and upon rejection of that, laughed at her stated intent to start her own order of knighthood [S1E06]. However, after her success Sir Blaze did offer to help design attire for her 'Damsels in Distress Union'; only for the princess to decline his offer of assistance. She sometimes plays the instrumental for songs of his writing [S1E11], as seen in an episode where it is also stated that he's her 'half-brother' though Griddle isn't her mother and, at least publicly, King Alfire isn't Blaze's father (the late Sir Herman the Near-sighted was).


  • Squire Flicker - She's the only character who knows what deeds he's done that Sir Loungalot has taken credit for. She's accompanied him on various quests, and to save her reputation he did agree to pretend to be a Sir Deloras of the League of Knightresses of the More Functionally Correct Round Table [S1E06]. A decision that caused him a lot of discomfort as the clothes irritated him and maintaining a high voice was challenging. Though most discomfort came from his own mentor taking an 'interest' in his feminine persona. It remains the most difficult thing she's asked of him, the experience of which awoke his 4th wall sense.


  • Sir Loungalot - Of all the Knights of the Square Table it's Sir Loungalot Princess Flame dislikes. Not only for his treatment of Squire Flicker but also for Sir Loungalot's desire to woe Queen Girddle for his attempts threaten her father's happiness.


  • Dread Count Geoffrey de Bouillon, Oppressor Par Excellence of the Poor and Weak - The count wants to take her home, which compared to her title, is something she's more concerned about as Castle Camelhot is where all her good memories of life with her mother where made.


  • The Peasantry - Princess Flame rarely interacts with the peasantry, the first interaction she had in the series was negative involving a collapsing roof and a whip though such persons where of Count Geoffrey's charge [S1E04]. She latter returned to Count Geoffrey's realm and helped the peasants deal with their oppression, not by overthrowing the count, but rather 'filing their village taxes as one giant family with many dependents so their deductions would diminish the burden of their taxes.'



Princess Flame is the daughter of King Alfire of Camelhot. Her father had become King of the Realm after pulling the sword Exaliburn from a stone as it was said that who ever could do so would be king. At some point her mother passed away leaving the realm without a male heir. Her father married a noble dragoness who joined his side as Queen Griddle. Upon this union Princess Flame gained a step-brother in the form of Sir Blaze, Griddle's son from a previous marriage. The details are not explicitly stated as to why he is not titled as Prince Blaze but the reason may simply be his status of not being heir to the throne.

Blazing Dragons[]

Quest for the Holy Quail[]

When her stepmother is abducted by Dread Count Geoffrey de Bouillon, Oppressor Par Excellence of the Poor and Weak (Princess Flame is one of the few non-Human characters to use the Count's full and self stylized title) she joins Squire Flicker and Sir Loungalot in a quest to save the Queen as the majority of the Knights of the Square Table are with her father looking for the Holy Quail. This quest to save the Queen took the three from Castle Threadbare to the home of Merle the Wizard who was going to feed Queen Griddle to a vile monster. Events transpired that lead the Humans to retreat and the Queen to be saved. While Flicker caught the Holy Quail during the confusion Sir Loungalot took credit and gained the King's favor. Princess Flame however knew the truth but given how happy her father was at finally completing a quest that he'd been going on annually for some time did not inform him. She did however partake of the feast where upon she and the other dragons devoured the Holy Quail as they couldn't think of any thing else to do with it.

A Gift for Girddle[]

Once King Alfire is reminded of the anniversary of his marriage to Griddle, Princess Flame is of the few to attend the small party her father quickly arranged. The other guests being her stepbrother Sir Blaze, Sir Loungalot, Clicker, and Clanker. When an unexpected cake is announced as having arrived she's the first to doubt that Sir Loungalot ordered it- for the knight had taken credit for such in a bid to get close to her stepmother and Princess Flame knew Sir Loungalot was a liar but she still refrained from outright saying such as it would be challenge to his honor. The cake ended up being a trojan horse operation by Count Geoffrey who bursting forth from it sent the knights and the king out of the castle by force. Alone Princess Flame told him that he wouldn't get away with it and the Count had her locked in the dungeons, or rather ordered one of evil knights to do so. Alone with the man who was unfamiliar with the castle layout Princess Flame lead him in circles until finding the opportunity to strike at him with a mace and take on the knight's armor in a bid to get close to the Count and retake the castle. Joined by Squire Flicker the two confronted the Count and then lowered the draw bridge to permit the knights and her father entry. With that the castle was secured and the Humans driven out.

The Tournament[]

Alone Princess Flame spends time with Squire Flicker whom she is fond of. She hears of his newest inventions and joins him in fishing in the castle moat. A matter of pressing importance to her is that her stepmother is trying very hard to marry her off but none of the suiters really suit her- the way Flicker does in her eyes. While observing a 'Magic Net' (potato powered electro magnet) created by Flicker the two of them are pulled close and in such proximity the Queen finds them and has Flicker thrown in the dungeon and Flame confined to her room. There she plans to use knotted sheets to escape only for her father to come in to have a word with her. The incident and frustration about the suiter situation prompted Griddle to talk her father into holding a tournament in which the victor would have the hand of Princess Flame in marriage. Upon finding out that she's to be a sports trophy Flame is upset in an angry way but calms her self enough to send her father away so she can escape as intended. Unable to support her weight the knots come undone and she has to fly down, only to feel silly for having knotted the sheets to begin with. Freeing Flame she entered the tournament and jousts with the aim of winning her own hand in order to decide who she marries without her stepmother's involvement. She's nearly killed by the knights of Count Geoffrey doing this and is saved by Flicker. While the rest of her family and the crowd is busy dealing with Count Geoffrey's latest ploy (which really is her stepmother's fault) she and Flicker put on a false fight until they are out of sight. Griddle doesn't host a tournament like that again and Flame returns to spending time with Flicker as the excitement of that day banished memory of the whole incident with the magnet.


To express continued right to rule Princess Flame's father, King Alfire, annually repeats the deeds of drawing the sword from the stone as a ceremonial act. When her father mentioned that the sword's hilt was turning a tinge green she suggested that Flicker may be able to polish it into good shape before the ceremony. Taking it to Flicker she became worried when the squire mentioned having invented a sword polishing machine. Concerned for the sword's integrity she reminded Flicker of the inventions he made that didn't work out after asking if he'd tested the machine and let him know that she does want the sword in one piece. After her father failed to pull the sword out of the stone, leading to the knights bickering and fighting in a destructive spiral to oblivion as they tried to see who was worthy Flame spoke to Flicker about the terrible news and was informed that he actually lost the sword. He had carved a likeness of one into a rock that looked like the original and had hoped to have found the actual one before the ceremony. She and Flicker, with evidence that the count took the sword disguise themselves as peasants and enter Castle Treadbare to retrieve the sword so King Alfire can succeed in pulling it from the stone. When Flicker is found by guards and taken to serve as ammunition for a catapult test Princess Flame hurries to get the sword and duels with Count Geoffrey. Seeing an opportunity she tickles a stack of peasants being used by the count to hold the roof of his decaying castle aloft. The result is the ceiling falling upon the count and the peasants there while Princess Flame escapes though not before, still disguised as a peasant, she directs some knights who came to check on their master- informing them of his distress as she slips away. Together with Flicker again she gets the sword and the stone to her father allowing him to pull the sword from the stone successfully as he had done every year.
