The Flying House, full title, Time Classroom: Adventures of the Flying House is a Christian anime series that aired 52 episodes from April 1982 to March 1983. It was distributed in the United States of America by the Christian Broadcasting Network. The series tells of the time traveling journeys taken by three children, their robotic companion, and a professor into biblical times., It was produced by the Tatsunoko Production company.
- Justin Casey (Billie Lou Watt) – His Japanese counterpart Gen Adachi, is voiced by Satomi Majima.
- Angela "Angie" Roberts (Sonia Owens) – Justin's girlfriend. Her Japanese counterpart, Kanna Natsuyama, is voiced by Sanae Takagi.
- Corkey Roberts (Helena Van Koert) – Angie's younger brother. His Japanese counterpart, Tsukubo Natsuyama, is voiced by Runa Akiyama.
- Paul (Hal Studer)
- Jesus (Ray Owens) - voiced by Jun Hazumi in Japanese. In the English dub, he is voiced by Watt at the age of 4 and Van Koert at 12, both such voices in episode 3.
Broadcast History[]
Originally Aired on TV Tokyo from April 1982 to March of 1983. During this time it was distributed to stations who were linked by the the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States of America. It is currently being shown in Flordia on Good Life 45.
- Blast Off For the Past - The Flying House transports back to the time of Ancient Israel from the 20th century.The story of the birth of John The Baptist.
- Star-Spangled Night - The birth of Jesus.
- Lost and Found in Time - The finding of the lost 12-year-old Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem.
- Voice in the Wilderness - The baptism of Jesus by John The Baptist.
- Speak of the Devil - The temptation of Jesus at the wilderness.
- All That Glitters - The recruitment of Matthew as an apostle of Jesus.
- Military Secrets - The healing of the Centurion's servant by Jesus.
- The Prize That Was Won and Lost - The execution of John The Baptist.
- Another Life - Jesus raises Jairus' daughter back to life.
- The Runaway - Jesus' miracle of multiplication of loaves.
- Neighbors - The parables of The Good Samaritan; and The King and his unforgiving servant.
- Poor Little Rich Men - The parable of the Rich Man who stores riches on earth instead in heaven; and The Prodigal Son.
- The Greatest - The apostles of Jesus argues who among them is the greatest.
- Back From the Grave - The story of Martha and Mary; and the resurrection of Lazarus.
- Real Treasure - The story of the conversion of Zaccheus.
- What If - The parables of the three servants who were given five thousand talents,two thousand talents and one thousand talents; and the man who built his house on a rock and the man who built his house on a sand.
- The Lost Sheep - The parables of The Good Shepherd and The Workers Of The Vineyard.
- Sour Grapes - The first miracle of Jesus during the wedding at Cana.
- Dog Gone - Jesus heals the Gentile woman's daughter.
- Little Orphan Anna - The story of the poor widow's offering at the temple.
- A Word to the Wise - The parables of the Evil Judge And The Widow; and The Wedding Feast.
- Judgement Day - The parables of Lazarus And The Poor man; and The Astute Master.
- Possessed - Jesus cures a man possessed by an evil spirit.
- Over the Hill - Jesus cures ten lepers.
- True Friends - Jesus cures a paralytic lying in bed.
- Devil's Gate - Jesus raises the widow's son.
- Well, Well, Well? - Jesus meets a Samaritan woman on the well and promises her the gift of living water.
- Left Holding the Bag - Jesus heals a paralytic man on Bethsaida pool during the Sabbath Day.
- Who Among You? - A Pharisee asks Jesus a question with regards to the stoning of an adulteress.
- Oil and Water - Jesus sends his 72 disciples in pairs to preach the word of God and to perform miracles.
- A Special Secret - The Transfiguration and Jesus cures an epileptic boy.
- Midnight Callers - Jesus teaches,"Ask and you shall receive.Seek and you shall find.Knock and the door will be opened to you".The Parable of The Ten Maidens.
- What's it worth? - The Parable Of The Sower.Jesus explains about the Kingdom Of God being comparable to the treasure,pearl and the net.
- Fruitless - The parables of The Weeds and The Murderous Tenants.
- Fit For a King - Jesus uses a colt when he enters Jerusalem.
- The Secret Agent - Jesus drives the merchants out of the temple in Jerusalem.
- The Preparation - Mary washes Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and Jesus heals a blind man.
- Betrayed - The Last Supper.Jesus washes his apostles' feet.The agony of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus and sends him to Caiaphas.
- Who's in Charge - Jesus is presented to Caiaphas,King Herod and Pontius Pilate.Peter betrays Jesus thrice and the cock crows.
- The Crown of Thorns - Jesus is scourged at the pillars and put with a crown of thorns.Pilate frees Barabbas and sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion.
- Golgotha - Jesus carries his cross towards Golgotha and Simon The Cyrene helps him during the process.Jesus dies on the cross.
- The Empty Tomb - The Resurrection of Jesus.
- With You Always - The Ascension of Jesus into heaven.Jesus appears himself to two of his disciples in the road towards Emmaus. The apostles catches lots of fish with the help of the risen Christ.Jesus asked Peter thrice,"Do you love me?".
- The Prison Break - An angel helps Peter escape from prison.
- Good Riddance - The death of King Herod.
- The Blinding Light - The conversion of Saul from being a persecutor of Christians to becoming an apostle of Jesus.The death of Stephen.
- Bound & Rebound - Paul preaches the word of God in Macedonia and deliver a woman from an evil spirit.Paul and Silas are flogged in public and placed in prison.A severe earthquake happened while they are in prison.The Roman officials released them from prison.
- Tender Grapes - Paul interferes in a mob and helps a man get justice.
- Shipwrecked - Paul is shipwrecked in the Island Of Malta.
- Snake Bite - Paul is bitten by a snake but does not die. He heals a young girl from a severe illness.
- Heartbreak - The story of Onesimus,the slave of Philemon.
- Homeward Bound - Paul writes Philemon to take back Onesimus,who is baptized and converted as a follower of Christ. The Flying House goes back to the 20th century from the time of Ancient Israel.